Switching to steel framing: 5 common trade misconceptions (Part 2)

In our last post we looked at some of the common misconceptions behind builders’ hesitation to switch to offering steel framing solutions to their customers. However, as we explored in part 1 of this timely discussion, the growing demand for steel-framed housing is doing just that – growing. And it would do builders well to get curious about where this hesitation comes from. If you’re one such builder, we’re here to help broaden your horizons! For now, let’s continue looking at some of those common misconceptions.


“Our customers aren’t asking for steel.” 

This is one misconception that we will admit, on occasion, has left us somewhat speechless. In business, it is generally acknowledged that the notion that something isn’t desired or preferable to one’s customers just because they haven’t asked for it is somewhat limited thinking. In the words of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs:

Some people say, “Give the customers what they want.” But that’s not my approach. Our job is to figure out what they’re going to want before they do. I think Henry Ford once said, “If I’d asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, ‘A faster horse!'” People don’t know what they want until you show it to them. That’s why I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that are not yet on the page.

The steel industry has been heavily promoting the many virtues and benefits of steel framing for many years, with clearly defined benefits to builders and new home buyers alike. It is therefore no surprise that with the rise of the savvy customer, we are seeing yet another emerging trend: overlooked or unrealised missed sales. That’s right, builders are thinking that potential customers are uninterested or unaware of steel framing as an option for their build because they simply haven’t asked. However, what we’re seeing time and time again is that, in reality, these buyers have often already been in touch with (or will then go on to speak with) a competitor builder who has taken Jobs’ approach and really driven home the benefits of steel framing – so much so that the customer will then no longer consider building with anything else. So you see, the other builder is unaware that they are missing out on sales for this very reason, as the lost customer rarely returns to let them know why they chose to go elsewhere.

In today’s climate, where new home buyers are more educated and more environmentally and resource conscious than ever before, it seems a no-brainer to at least offer both timber and steel as framing options, if not switching to steel altogether. 


“Timber is superior to steel.”

On the contrary, steel is stronger, lighter, and a more accurate solution to frames and trusses than traditional timber. In regards to the latter point, AusSteel takes great pride in providing our partners with highly precise design and detailing, as well as an unparalleled suite of extra inclusions that make installation that much more seamless and quicker! These extras – such as HB brackets, plumbing noggs, door plates lifted, setdown in joists, jack locators, and jack bottom chords – also make the work of post-installation trades easier, resulting in a quicker and more seamless build. To add to this, steel is the more superior choice when building in bushfire and flood zones, is termite and borer proof, and is infinitely recyclable – a fact the more eco-conscious new home owners will most likely already know.


“There’s not enough carpenters that know how to stand steel frames.” 

Naturally, if a builder is not offering steel framing as an option to customers then there’s no potential for their carpenters to expand their skill set and experience to include steel framing. It is true that many carpenters prefer to work with only the product with which they’re most familiar and therefore comfortable – and this goes for both timber and steel. However, with the growing volume of new home buyers wanting steel-framed homes, many open-minded and business-savvy builders are making the switch to at least offering steel framing. AusSteel has had the privilege of facilitating connections between these such builders and like-minded trades, also taking great satisfaction in providing on-site training to trades and builders alike as they work to provide their customers with the best possible framing solutions for their builds.


Want to know a little more about why trades love working with AusSteel? Head to our recent blog post or get in touch today for a chat and a tour of one of our factories. AusSteel has facilities in Cameron Park (Newcastle – Northern NSW), Goulburn (Southern Tablelands of NSW), and Crestmead (Brisbane, QLD). We’d love to hear from you.


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